
How Amazing Is Your Life When Seen With True Eyes

17 Nov, 2019 | 2:23:51

This satsang weaves together potent metaphors and direct guidance, as Moojibaba reminds us of the natural peace and harmony to be found in a life uncontaminated by personhood.

“How amazing is your life when seen with true eyes. Nothing is wrong with you, but you must see with pure eyes and pure mind. If your mind is pure, you’ll be very grateful. You’ll say, ‘Thank you so much, what a blessed life. You send me exactly the problems I need!’”

14 November 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Live music before Satsang: “Improvisation on Handpan” by Santosh

Live music after Satsang: “Blinded by Your Grace” by Ramdev & Roshan

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